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Monday, September 20, 2010

My Deadpool cosplay

I couldn't do this blog without being self-indulgent of my own fandom of Deadpool, so here is some Deadpool cosplay I did for this years San Diego Comic-Con

Deadpool with Headpool

and again with G4's Blair Butler

Golden Age Deadpool from Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield

Here is what Golden Age Deadpool looks like from the comic so you can compare

And here he is protesting the Westboro Baptist Church

Up next is Orange Lantern Deadpool, the avarice merc.

And just because, here is with Tommy Wiseau and company

Here is Disco Deadpool, the funky mercenary

And again with Blair Butler

If Deadpool was in Gears of War, he would be Cogpool

For not going out with Cogpool, he took Th3 Rogues arm.  Go read Bad Kids Go To Hell.

And that's all my cosplay stuff.  If you're a Deadpool fan, show your fandom by wearing a Deadpool costume, or even a T-shirt.  Like this fan.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buy you own Deadpool costume